Cover Reveal for Shades & Shapes in the Dark

I’m incredibly happy to share the cover for my new forthcoming book Shades & Shapes in the Dark, my first standalone horror novel.

Here’s the book description that will appear on the back of the paperback:

How Do You Survive Four Decades of Darkness?

When nine-year-old Clarissa chased a thief through the woods and stumbled upon something sinister, she had no idea how the shadow creature would transform the next four decades of her life. During her journey, she must learn to fight back and find allies while protecting them from the creature’s murderous hunger. Will she let the darkness consume her? Or will she find the secret to cast light on the shadow?

So, when is it coming out?

This novel is big, so I’ve decided to release it in six parts. Each of the six parts will be either short novel length, or novella length. Act I is going out to beta readers this weekend. I am wrapping up the rest of the book this month. Once Act I is released a new entry will come out each following month. So you will never have to wait too long I am expecting ACT I to release in February or March of 2024 pending the Beta Review. I will have an exact release date and schedule for all of you after the new year.

I will be releasing a sample of part 1 once the book comes back from my editor to everyone. But, if you’re a paid subscriber on my Substack, you’ll not only get the ebook for free, but you’ll also get it a week early.

I can’t wait for you all to read this. I truly believe this is some of my best work.

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