American Fundamentalism (Poetry)

American Fundamentalism

Capitalism is a religion,

Economists are the priests,

And until you realize that these systems and money are imaginary, (gold standard or no)

The suffering will never cease.

Debt is our sin,

Our hearts are weighed and tried,

And cast into hell and homelessness,

If our monthly payments backslide.

Our credit scores the earned merit,

Pay tribute to the gods,

To the great titans of banking,

Bailed out in 2008 after committing forgery and fraud.

The stock market is the holy temple,

Where the tendrils of power hoard and hide,

Yet no commodities can be found within,

Just devotees chanting the holy mysteries inside?

And Let us pray to management,

The ones holding land in holy trust

To dole it out to those with the most merit,

Leaving most the parishioner’s with wind and dust

Capitalism is our religion,

The one true American faith,

It is in the market we trust,

Not a deity, but a wraith

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