Lizard Boobs (A Comedic Short Story)

This short story is another example of comedic sci-fi that I’ve been working on for some time and will ultimately appear with stories like Simulacra and The Great Magnetic Sock Migration of 2077. So if comedic sci-fi is your thing, Lizard Boobs will be up your alley.

Synopsis: Jerry may have injected Melissa’s laboratory lizards with a gene editing serum that gives them boobs. Will Melissa murder him this time or find some other use for two lizards with very large breasts?

Excerpt: (Become a paid subscriber on my substack to read the rest)

“What in the hell did you do?”

Jerry shrugged in the flickering fluorescent laboratory light. “I guess I just thought that the world would be better with more boobs?”

“So you put them there? On a lizard? What good are boobs that aren’t on a mammal.”

There they were, two oversized iguanas, with large green mammaries protruding down between their forelegs. Both creatures were struggling to move since their breasts dragged as they walked. One of the creatures had taken to rolling around at the bottom of the tank, exposing two round and erect nipples with strange green coloration stabbing at the sky.

Melissa leaned forward on the stainless steel table she stood behind. Jerry was purposely keeping that table and the specimen’s tank between them. He knew they were her prized lizards but even the lizards in the tank looked nervous.

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